The Internal Revenue Service has granted the Foundation the cultural ANBI status (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling).

Due to the designation as a cultural ANBI, use can be made of certain tax benefits for inheritance, donation and energy tax. Institutions designated as cultural ANBI have these tax benefits.

An additional donation tax deduction applies to donors of cultural ANBIs. This stimulates donations to cultural ANBIs such as the Bergen op Zoom Military Fields of Honour Visitor Center.

An activity report, the project plan and the by-laws have been placed in PDF at the bottom of this page of the web site.

The name of the institution.
Bergen op Zoom Visitor Center for Military Fields of Honour.

Contact details.
The secretary, Dave Van de Graaf, can be reached under email address:  secretaris@bic-boz.nl and telephone number 0651362999

The RSIN (Legal Entities and Partnerships Information Number) / tax number the contact details of the institution.
RSIN 859848929

The objective of the ANBI.
The establishment and maintenance of a visitor center situated between the Canadian and the British military war cemeteries, both located in Bergen op Zoom.

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